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  3. 「Tom Brock」の検索結果
  • Tom Brock

    I Love You More And More (LP)

    Barry WhiteとGene Pageが作り上げたTom Brockの唯一のアルバムにしてソウルの大名盤!74年作。Jay-Z「Girl, Girl, Girl」で使われた感動のメロウ・ソウルA3「There's Nothing In This World That Can Stop Me From Loving You」、Barry Whiteらしいリズムアレンジとオーケストラが光る極上のモダンソウルA4「I Love You More and More」、そして再びJay-Z「Say Hello」で使われたA2「The Love We Share Is the Greatest of Them All」、ブラックスプロイテーションのようなストリングスが迫るB4「If We Don't Make It, Nobody Can」など収録のレア・ソウルアルバムです!USオリジナル!

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    A1 Have A Nice Weekend Baby
    A2 The Love We Share Is The Greatest Of Them All
    A3 There's Nothing In This World That Can Stop Me From Loving You
    A4 I Love You More And More

    B1 Naked As The Day I Was Born
    B2 That's The Reason Why (I'll Love You Until The Day I Die)
    B3 Shake Me, Wake Me
    B4 If We Don't Make It, Nobody Can

    • LP
    • ¥16,500
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